Category Archives: Buffalo Dental Blog

How to Make Sure I Choose the Best Endodontist

Root Canal Dentist Buffalo NY

If you’re wondering how to choose the best endodontist, the first thing I would ask for is a recommendation from your general dentist. If you have confidence in your dentist, you would certainly have confidence in the specialist to whom they refer you. Also, speak with your friends and family and others who can share […]

Are My Endodontic Treatments Covered by Insurance?

Are My Endodontic Treatments Covered by Insurance?

A lot of our Buffalo patients will ask about coverage through their dental insurance, and we participate in several major dental insurance plans. Most dental insurances will cover at least a portion of the dental procedure, and some even cover 100%. The extent of that coverage is based on your employer and your specific plan, […]

What is an Apicoectomy?

Buffalo Root Canal Specialist Discusses an Apicoectomy

Buffalo Root Canal Specialist Discusses an Apicoectomy If you’ve previously had a root canal, you may be having difficulty with it for one reason or another. It might start to become re-infected, or maybe you’ve had a lot of work done on the tooth – whether it was a bridge or a post or extensive […]

Are There Any Alternatives to a Root Canal?

Buffalo Endodontist Examines Alternatives to a Root Canal

Buffalo Endodontist Examines Alternatives to a Root Canal When a patient comes in to see me as an Buffalo Endodontist, the first thing we do is try to identify the exact problem and learn what’s causing your issue or pain. Once we know what’s going on, we can come up with the best option for […]

Buffalo Root Canal Specialist Describes What an Endodontist Does

Buffalo Root Canal Specialist

As an experienced Buffalo Root Canal Specialist and Endodontist, people often wonder when, exactly, they would need to see an endodontist. We see patients for all types of reasons. Some patients just need a straightforward root canal because they have a tooth that’s infected or one that’s causing them pain. Other times, we see patients […]

Buffalo Endodontist Explains How a Root Canal that Didn’t Heal Correctly Can Be Repaired

Buffalo Endodontist Repairing Root Canals

Once in awhile, as a Buffalo Endodontist, I might have to perform an endodontic surgery called an apicoectomy. If someone had a root canal prior at some point and, for some reason, it isn’t working or hasn’t healed the way we – or their doctor – expected it to, we can actually do a reverse […]

Experienced Buffalo Endodontist Explains What Endodontists Do

What does an Endodontist Do? Explained By An Experienced Buffalo Endodontist

As an experienced Buffalo Endodontist, one of the most common questions people have is, when exactly they would need to see an endodontist. Endodontists see patients for all types of reasons. Some patients just need a straightforward root canal because they have a tooth that’s infected or one that’s causing them pain. Other times, we see […]

Buffalo Endodontist Explains How Oral Health Relates to Your General Health

Buffalo Endodontist Explains How Oral Health Relates to Your General Health

As an experienced Buffalo Endodontist, I often get asked by patients whether their oral health correlates to their general health. Many recent studies have shared news about your overall health, including oral health. Physicians and researchers are conducting studies that reveal direct relationships between periodontal gum disease and heart disease and diabetes. Our entire body […]

Buffalo Root Canal Specialist Discusses How the Apex Locator is Used


As a dedicated Buffalo Root Canal Specialist, clients often have questions about the types of equipment we use in our office. When you come to visit me, you’ll notice numerous technologies that we use to perform various procedures. One of the machines our Buffalo dental office uses is called an apex locator, and it is used […]

Buffalo Endodontist Explains If Endodontic Treatments Are Covered by Insurance

Buffalo Endodontist Explains If Endodontic Treatments Are Covered By Insurance

As an experienced Buffalo Endodontist, I often get asked questions by patients regarding coverage through their dental insurance, and we participate in several major dental insurance plans. Most dental insurances will cover at least a portion of the dental procedure, and some even cover 100%. The extent of that coverage is based on your employer […]